Monday, April 20, 2015

Just bragging on my baby

So today Princess Amia is officially two months and guess what?! She turned over today. Yup you read it correctly….. my baby turned completely over. I laid her to sleep on her stomach and when I was called via her crying, she was laying on her back looking up at me. My hubby and I noticed about two weeks ago her trying, but today was the day!  After a little research it's my understanding that the earliest babies usually turnover is 4 months. I'm such a proud Mama!!!

I want to hear from you, when did your little darling turn over? Share stories below or via email... Can't wait for your feedback.



  1. Happy 2 months and a day my little beauty! My baby is turning right now as we speak lol 😉

    1. She's like her cousin, grown... Can't wait for her to get here!!

  2. I'm excited to read the next blog!

  3. It is so wonderful to be able to share cherish these special moments !

  4. Awww auntie Mia slow down!! Move to fast girl....

  5. So azy was about 3 weeks old in the nicu and I had just came in her room and she was wrapped in all the wires. I was so upset that her nurse left her like that. anyway I fixed her and straighten out the wires. As i sat down and watched her, I saw her roll over and tangle herself in the wires. I just said wow, you did it to yourself

    1. Wow, how amazing!! Thanks for sharing your story...

  6. Yup! She turned over my first day back to work and I missed it .. :(

  7. I know you hate that you missed her 1st time, but I'm happy that you get to experience it all the time now.

  8. That's auntie smart baby!

  9. I don't remember when my girls turned over but they all started walking before 1. Amia moving out the way for the next one, lol! She's beautiful!

    1. I know your little diva's was up and about early!!! lol, the next one, lol.. Thanks girl
