Hey Everyone!
April 2, 2015, I posted my first blog on BlogSpot; you couldn't tell me I wasn't on my way to the top. I contacted my entire family, all of my close friends and my social media followers and shared the link requesting their support and feedback.
The biggest let down so far has to be the lack of support. I guess the way I see it, this is a free request I'm making, yes it does take five min of your time and as much energy as it takes to send a text, but the lack of support was really discouraging. Let down #2; has to be how confused I am about this whole process. I haven't figured out how to connect with others, and that's the whole purpose of this. My blog settings seem to be incorrect and the format is just not right. I request that people follow me, but truth is I can't find the follow me button myself. Lastly, well not really last but to tell you everything would take forever, I of course want to monetize my blog and I'm lost in the desert with that. I see peoples YouTube with directions on how to financially support my own Blog, but it's almost like a mirage because the very next video tells me not to listen the last video and do it their way. Needless to say, by now I have pulled out every last strand of hair from my head……the good news is….I can start my natural hair transformation now….lol.
I'm done ranting for now. I don’t want to give the impression that my entire experience thus far has been all bad. God has been connecting me with strangers that have offered me assistance. I do have some family & friend support, but i understand the others are a bit busy right now. I'm sure they will get with the program soon enough. Everyone who has read seems to be inspired and have encouraged me to continue.
What's next you ask? More research of course, I don't give up that easy. I will figure this thing out and when I do I will be a wealth of information at your service.